Everglow wellnessindia

GFC Treatment

Unleash Your Hair’s Full Potential with Revolutionary GFC Therapy for Lasting Hair Growth!


Are you tired of battling hair loss and seeking a non-invasive, safe, and highly effective solution? Look no further! Autologous Growth Factor Concentrate (GFC) Therapy is the cutting-edge advancement in hair growth treatments, offering superior results without the need for surgeries or invasive techniques. Let’s delve into why GFC Therapy is becoming the go-to choice for individuals looking to reclaim a lush, natural mane.

Why GFC Therapy?

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Tailored for You

  • GFC Therapy uses a sample of your own blood, ensuring a personalized and safe approach to hair restoration.
  • Engineered from your body's own growth factors, GFC Therapy is bio-active, eliminating the risk of immunological reactions.

Powerful Growth Factors

  • The GFC solution is rich in essential growth factors such as PDGF, VEGF, EGF, and IGF-1, which play pivotal roles in hair growth and regeneration.
  • These growth factors stimulate hair cell proliferation, angiogenesis, and mesenchymal cell mitogenesis, ensuring comprehensive support for optimal hair health.

Precision Procedure

  • The procedure involves a streamlined process:
    • Collection of blood
    • Activation of platelets and release of growth factors
    • Separation of GFC using specialized laboratory equipment
    • Aseptic collection of GFC for intradermal application
  • The entire process is simple, minimally invasive, and virtually pain-free.

Advantages of GFC Therapy

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Platelet Preservation

  • No platelet loss during the process, ensuring a high concentration of growth factors.
    • Almost all platelets are activated before centrifugation, maximizing the potency of the GFC solution.

Reduced Pain and Inflammation

  • Acellular nature eliminates RBCs and WBCs, minimizing pain and inflammation post-treatment.
    • The absence of WBCs reduces the risk of pro-inflammatory reactions and tissue damage.

Stability and Safety

  • GFC remains stable for up to 8 hours at room temperature and a week in the refrigerator.
    • As an autologous harvest, GFC Therapy poses zero risk of immunological reactions, making it one of the safest treatment options.

Possible Side Effects and Post-Procedure Care

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Minimal Discomfort

  • GFC is acellular, reducing the risk of pain and inflammation.
    • Any discomfort is typically managed with regular pain control medications.

Safe and Communicable Disease-Free

  • GFC therapy involves injecting your own cells, eliminating the risk of communicable diseases.
    • Standard post-procedure care involves minimal restrictions, allowing you to resume daily activities shortly after treatment.

Cautionary Considerations

  • Patients with specific medical conditions or prior hypersensitivity reactions should exercise caution.
    • Our experts carefully assess the risk versus benefits for individuals with certain health concerns before proceeding with GFC therapy.
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Frequently Asked Questions

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut vehicula eleifend sapien, quis cursus dui. Phasellus sodales nibh vel finibus malesuada. Nullam enim odio, imperdiet imperdiet mollis id, cursus sit amet nulla. Aenean pellentesque lectus a tristique consequat.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut vehicula eleifend sapien, quis cursus dui. Phasellus sodales nibh vel finibus malesuada. Nullam enim odio, imperdiet imperdiet mollis id, cursus sit amet nulla. Aenean pellentesque lectus a tristique consequat.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut vehicula eleifend sapien, quis cursus dui. Phasellus sodales nibh vel finibus malesuada. Nullam enim odio, imperdiet imperdiet mollis id, cursus sit amet nulla. Aenean pellentesque lectus a tristique consequat.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut vehicula eleifend sapien, quis cursus dui. Phasellus sodales nibh vel finibus malesuada. Nullam enim odio, imperdiet imperdiet mollis id, cursus sit amet nulla. Aenean pellentesque lectus a tristique consequat.

Get in touch with us

Experience the transformative power of GFC Therapy and unlock the potential for natural, lasting hair growth. Join the growing community of individuals who have witnessed discernable changes in just 6-12 weeks. Embrace the future of hair restoration with confidence and let your hair shine at its best!

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