Everglow wellnessindia

Heat Thearpy

Discover Wellness at Everglow Wellness A Natural Approach to Weight Loss with Heat Therapy!

At Everglow Wellness, we’re committed to your holistic well-being through our comprehensive body detoxification program. Our weight loss procedure embraces a natural approach by breaking down fat cells and facilitating lymphatic drainage, ensuring a complete transformation towards a healthier and more vibrant you.

What Sets Us Apart: Heat Therapy Explained

Heat therapy, a cornerstone of our approach, is designed to systematically eliminate waste compounds from the body. This technique injects the extra energy needed by your immune system to ramp up the elimination of toxins, promoting overall health and well-being.


What Sets Us Apart: Heat Therapy Explained

Heat therapy, a cornerstone of our approach, is designed to systematically eliminate waste compounds from the body. This technique injects the extra energy needed by your immune system to ramp up the elimination of toxins, promoting overall health and well-being.

Who Benefits from Heat Therapy?

For those struggling to shed excess weight despite regular exercise and dietary control, heat therapy provides a natural and painless solution to eliminate stubborn fat and cellulite. It's a holistic approach that goes beyond conventional weight loss methods.

Expected Results: Embracing a Healthy Lifestyle

Experience the transformative power of heat therapy as your body naturally sheds excess fat. The process not only aids in weight loss but also instils a strong tendency towards adopting a healthier lifestyle.


The Science Behind Heat Therapy

Unlike traditional sauna therapies focused on sweating, heat therapy at Everglow Wellness is specifically designed to enhance the immune system. Rather than relying solely on sweating, our method targets the removal of waste by eliminating toxins from the body.

Through the process of lipolysis, toxins trapped in fat tissues are released into the bloodstream during heat therapy. The increased heart rate and skin circulation further facilitate the natural elimination of these toxins. Some are sweated out through the skin, while the rest are delivered to the liver and kidneys through the bloodstream, ultimately being expelled through urine and faeces.

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Frequently Asked Questions

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut vehicula eleifend sapien, quis cursus dui. Phasellus sodales nibh vel finibus malesuada. Nullam enim odio, imperdiet imperdiet mollis id, cursus sit amet nulla. Aenean pellentesque lectus a tristique consequat.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut vehicula eleifend sapien, quis cursus dui. Phasellus sodales nibh vel finibus malesuada. Nullam enim odio, imperdiet imperdiet mollis id, cursus sit amet nulla. Aenean pellentesque lectus a tristique consequat.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut vehicula eleifend sapien, quis cursus dui. Phasellus sodales nibh vel finibus malesuada. Nullam enim odio, imperdiet imperdiet mollis id, cursus sit amet nulla. Aenean pellentesque lectus a tristique consequat.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut vehicula eleifend sapien, quis cursus dui. Phasellus sodales nibh vel finibus malesuada. Nullam enim odio, imperdiet imperdiet mollis id, cursus sit amet nulla. Aenean pellentesque lectus a tristique consequat.

Get in touch with us

Supporting your body with proper nutrition and hydration complements the sauna detox technique, ensuring an optimal and successful transformation towards a healthier you.

Embark on your wellness journey with Everglow Wellness – where heat therapy becomes a catalyst for your body’s natural rejuvenation and weight loss.

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