Everglow wellnessindia

Wrinkles & Fine Lines


Do you still feel as young as ever but notice the telltale signs of ageing on your face? At The Body Shape Cosmetic Clinic, we understand the desire to look and feel youthful. Ageing gracefully is not just about aesthetics; it also positively impacts self-image and social interactions, contributing to long-term psychological well-being.


At Everglow Wellness, we offer a holistic 360-degree care approach, employing the latest technologies and materials. Our skilled doctors, equipped with extensive knowledge and experience in understanding skin conditions, follow effective protocols to halt the signs of ageing and assist you in ageing gracefully.



Dynamic and Static Wrinkles

Dynamic Wrinkles: Form during facial expressions.
Static Wrinkles: Present while at rest.

Common Areas Affected

Forehead lines
Frown lines
Bunny lines
Crow’s feet
Vertical wrinkles or horizontal grooves on the neck

Treatment Approach

Relaxing the muscles causing excess force on the skin.



Comprehensive Care

Our approach covers all aspects of anti-aging care.


Advanced Technologies

We use cutting-edge technologies and materials.


Skilled Doctors

Our experienced doctors understand skin conditions and follow effective protocols.


Positive Impact

Aging gracefully not only enhances appearance but also boosts psychological well-being.



Your wrinkle-free face is just an appointment away.

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Frequently Asked Questions

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut vehicula eleifend sapien, quis cursus dui. Phasellus sodales nibh vel finibus malesuada. Nullam enim odio, imperdiet imperdiet mollis id, cursus sit amet nulla. Aenean pellentesque lectus a tristique consequat.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut vehicula eleifend sapien, quis cursus dui. Phasellus sodales nibh vel finibus malesuada. Nullam enim odio, imperdiet imperdiet mollis id, cursus sit amet nulla. Aenean pellentesque lectus a tristique consequat.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut vehicula eleifend sapien, quis cursus dui. Phasellus sodales nibh vel finibus malesuada. Nullam enim odio, imperdiet imperdiet mollis id, cursus sit amet nulla. Aenean pellentesque lectus a tristique consequat.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut vehicula eleifend sapien, quis cursus dui. Phasellus sodales nibh vel finibus malesuada. Nullam enim odio, imperdiet imperdiet mollis id, cursus sit amet nulla. Aenean pellentesque lectus a tristique consequat.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut vehicula eleifend sapien, quis cursus dui. Phasellus sodales nibh vel finibus malesuada. Nullam enim odio, imperdiet imperdiet mollis id, cursus sit amet nulla. Aenean pellentesque lectus a tristique consequat.

Get in touch with us

Why worry about more wrinkles when you can reverse the clock? Experience the transformation at Everglow Wellness and embrace a more youthful version of yourself!

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